Tuesday, November 22, 2011

22 days and counting


its finally almost overrrr, Gatordog is almost completely done as far as animation goes, which is good. Going to do layouts over thanksgiving break and hopefully some more clean up.

Friday, November 11, 2011

holy smokes

the days are flying by fast, and i've still got a lot to do!

Working on the shot i've been putting off for almost a year now (many tries, many fails) all seems well SO far, but im sure tomorrow i'll barf looking at it. I'm finally working on inbetweening everything, and starting a hefty pile to go to tie down/clean up. Im not as worried about clean up now as before, because i've been talking to a lot of underclassmen about helping me with all of that so i can get it cleaned up and colored quickly after I graduate.

oh gatordog, will you ever get finished!?

Why yes, yes you shall C: